Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving!!

As we grow older, we start forgetting bits and pieces of our childhood until one day we wake up and discover that we can only recall a handful vivid memories of those elementary school days. Above you see a drawing that I made when I was in first grade. And as you may guess, this turkey is one of my vivid memories. As I was packing up and empyting out my cubby for the weekend I remember feeling this over-dramatice sense of pride and excitment. I couldn't wait to take this home and show my mom what I drew; which of course was the best Turkey a first grader had ever drawn in the history of Thanksgiving. You may be shocked to find out that when I thrust this into my Mom's hands, rather than showering me with praise, she actually started laughing. I didn't understand what was going on. Was my mom really laughing at my masterpiece? It quickly got worse. My dad walked in and as soon as he saw it he started cracking up as well. Within a few seconds the tears started flowing out. After about 5 minutes everyone in my six person family was making fun of my turkey and there I was not understanding why my family had turned into a bunch of bullies. My brother was the first one to notice my distress and was kind enough, admist the giggles, to ask me, "So exactly how many legs does a turkey have?" I knew that answer, "Four! ... wait... um... hmm... two?" Not only had I drawn a partial chicken head on my turkey but I also gave this bird of prey two extra limbs! Now this story is why, for every Thanksgiving since the first grade, my father makes two extra turkey legs while everyone gets a good laugh at the little girl who didn't quite know her animals.

Now, what does this story have to with the SOAL blog you may ask? Well it doesn't have any real connection with it but it did make me think about how lucky I am to have that story, that meal, that family, and that home to look forward to every year on Thanksgiving. There are so many people out there - literally outside of the classrooms at school and outside of your home, that are not fortunate enough to have a place to live, food to eat, and a family to love. This Thanksgiving and upcoming holiday season I encourage you to help someone in need of care and compassion. I have compiled a list of some of the community service organizations that exist throughout San Jose. Many of them need help and if you could offer a few hours time, a check, canned food, a coat, or anything then you will be a part of making a stranger's holiday season (and remember, over 25% of the homeless in Santa Clara County are children) a happy and vivid memory that will last a lifetime.

Loaves and Fishes

"Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen is committed to providing nutritious meals and support services in a dignified, safe and caring environment for our guests. We provide these services to all needy individuals, with special concern for families and senior citizens.

Loaves and Fishes supply the following services:
•No cost hot meals on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at InnVisions Montgomery Street Inn in San Jose, CA and Wednesdays and Fridays at St. Maria Goretti Kitchen in San Jose targeting families, seniors, single women, couples, and the disabled.
•Community Services to better serve the needs of our guests and to provide extensive information and referral services. We provide emergency outreach assistance, infant care supplies, and information and referrals for additional services.
•Extensive Holiday Programs including Senior Brunch, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas when we offer pictures with Santa Claus and "shopping days" for parents to take gifts home for their children.
•Grocery Bags are distributed to families on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 11:00am - 12pm at the St. Maria Goretti site."


"InnVision the Way Home is Silicon Valley’s largest non-profit provider of housing, shelter, and services to the homeless, operating at over 20 sites from San Jose to Redwood City, serving 20,000 clients annually throughout the South Bay and mid-Peninsula, providing both emergency and longer-term housing, nutritious meals, and a vast array of services to men, women, children, veterans, and the mentally ill in an environment that is safe, friendly, and uplifting. Direct basic services include housing, food, clothing, showers, laundry facilities, health care, telephone and mail, computer access, case management, life-skills classes, job training, and children’s services. Extended services include household furnishings, free produce market, grocery distribution, and rental & utilities assistance programs."

San Jose Family Supportive Housing, Inc.

"The primary service we provide families is a private room and three meals a day. Working in conjunction with outside businesses, organizations, and individuals, we provide many other important services in addition to food and shelter. Services for children include: tutoring, child care, scool readiness program, after school activity program, activities and celebrations, and health care professionals. Services for adults include: intensive case management, on-staff employment and housing specialist, personal enrichment classes, computer classes, housing referrals and assistance, support groups, and aftercare."
Sacred Heart

“Our mission is to build a community free from poverty by creating hope, opportunity, and action.” We provide essential services, empower people to improve their lives, advocate for justice, and inspire volunteers to love, serve, and share.

"We serve all customers in need of food, clothing, housing, and energy assistance, offering stability and hope as part of a first step toward economic self-sufficiency. Our goal is for low-income individuals and families in Santa Clara County to meet basic needs and sustain their health and well-being. Equally important, we strive to increase hope and stability for individuals and families struggling with poverty through the respectful and compassionate delivery of essential services."

Below is a list of numerous other shelters in San Jose. I encourage you to take a look and give back to society this holiday season!

99 N. Almaden Blvd, San Jose, CA 95113
(408) 998-9202

Men/Women Asian Women's Home
240 Moorpark Ave. Ste. 300, San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 975-2739

Domestic Violence Beth-El Baptist Church Outreach
San Jose, CA
(408) 779-2300

Families City Team Ministry Rescue Mission
1174 Old Bayshore Hwy, San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 283-2153

Men / Women EHC LifeBuilders James Boccardo Reception Center (BRC)
Nightly Shelter
2011 Little Orchard Street, San Jose, CA 95125
(408) 294-2100 x 402 (Intake Coordinator)

EHC LifeBuilders Markham Terrace Permanent
2112 Monterey Road, San Jose, CA
(408) 294-2100 Ext. 229 (Application)

EHC Lifebuilders Boccardo Family Living Center
13545 Monterey Road, San Jose, CA
(408) 686-1300

InnVision: Cecil White Center
358 N. Montgomery St., San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 271-5160

Men / Women InnVision: Georgia Travis Center
297 Commercial St, San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 453-3124

Men / Women Markham Plaza
2000 Monterey Rd., San Jose, CA
(408) 278-7081

Families Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 279-7550

Sacred Heart Community Services
803 S. 1st St., San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 278-2160

Men / Women Salvation Army
405 N. 4th St., San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 282-1175

Men / Women San Jose Family Shelter
1590 Las Plumas Ave., San Jose, CA 95133
(408) 926-8885

Families St. Joseph the Worker House for Women
80 S. Market St., San Jose, CA 95113
(408) 283-8118

(408) 998-9202
99 N. Almaden Blvd. San Jose, CA 95113

Asian Women's Home
(408) 975-2739
San Jose, CA 95128
Domestic Violence

Beth-El Baptist Church Outreach
(408) 779-2300
810 Tennant Avenue San Jose, CA

Casa de Clara
(408) 297-8330
318 N. 6th St. San Jose, CA 95112

City Team Ministry Rescue Mission
(408) 283-2153
1174 Old Bayshore Hwy. San Jose, CA 95112
Men / Women

EHC LifeBuilders James Boccardo Reception Center (BRC)
Nightly Shelter 95125
2011 Little Orchard Stree San Jose, CA
(408) 294-2100 x 402 (Intake Coordinator)

InnVision: Georgia Travis Center
(408) 453-3124
297 Commercial St San Jose, CA 95112
Men / Women

Markham Plaza
(408) 278-7081
2000 Monterey Rd. San Jose, CA

Salvation Army
(408) 282-1175
405 N. 4th St. San Jose, CA 95112
Men / Women

San Jose Family Shelter
(408) 926-8885
1590 Las Plumas Ave. San Jose, CA 95133


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