Monday, November 15, 2010

Events Happening this Week! UPDATED

Blue = Student Organization Event
Green = San Jose City Event
Purple = SJSU Event
Pink = GREAT Session

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Grand Opening of Spartan Smart Cart- 10:00am-1:30pm, Smith/Carlos lawn
-Come to the grand opening of the Spartan Smart Card for Fall 2010! Free give-aways and prizes! Lots of delicious fresh local and organic fruit and veggies and healthy beverages!
Finding a Job in a Tough Economy Workshop- 12:00pm-1:15pm, Mod A
-Develop practical job search strategies to be successful in a down economy
An Evening with Maggie Estep- 7:00pm-8:30pm, University Theater
-The Center for Literary Arts and MACLA Present: An Evening with Maggie Estep. Poet, fiction writer, and spoken-word artist. Author of seven books including Diary of an Emotional Idiot and Alice Fantastic, and the CDs No More Mr. Nice Girl and Love Is a Dog from Hell. She has performed on MTV, HBO's Def Poetry Jam, and Charlie Rose, and her work has appeared in The Best American Erotica, The Village Voice, Harpers Bazaar, and Time Out NY. Co-sponsored by the Poets and Writers Coalition.
Wednesday, November 17th
Poker Walk- 11:00am-1:00pm, starts in front of Event Center

-Get ready to walk around campus and try your luck at poker. Collect your first card at the sign-in table and 4 other points during the walk. Turn in your cards at the finish line and the best hands will win prizes. Sign-in is at the fountain in front of the Events Center. Walkers can start any time between 11:00 and 12:30. It will take approximately 30 minutes to walk around campus.

New Student Union Groundbreaking Ceremony- 12:00pm-1:30pm, 7th Street Plaza

-The Student Union, Inc. is pleased to invite the campus community to a Groundbreaking Ceremony for the New Student Union on Wednesday, November 17, 2010. The ceremony will start at 12:00noon on the 7th Street Plaza. This is a free event and will have entertainment, refreshments and give-aways! Please come celebrate with us as we begin a new legacy for the Student Union.

SJSU Theater Presents "Twelfth Night"- 7:00pm, University Theater

-Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare Directed by Kathleen Normington, November 12,13,17,18,19,20 at 7p.m. University Theatre. Visit for more information

Men's Basketball vs. University of San Francisco- 7:00pm, Event Center

Black Mosque Honor Society Canned Food Drive- 10:00am-2:00pm, Student Union

-Bring non-perishable canned food to benefit Second Harvest Food Bank!Discovering Your Career Path Using LinkedIn- 11:00am AND 12:45pm, Ohlone Room, SU

Google @ SJSU- All majors Welcome! - 3:30pm-6:00pm, BBC 201

- Interested in learning about Google products and winning some cool Google swag? Drop by any time between 3:30-6:00pm! Sponsored by MISA

Intuit: Launch Your Career- 4:00pm-6:00pm, Intuit World Headquarters

-Sponsored by LBSA; learn about FDRP: financial rotational development program, RDP: rotational development program, and other internship activities. Contact for more info.

Thursday, November 18th
LGBTQQIA Discussion Group: Queer Culture- 1:30pm-2:45pm, Building BB
-A safe and supportive place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans., queer, questioning, intersex, and ally students to connect with other members of the community and discuss a wide variety of topics.
Business of People: Human Exploitation- 5:00pm-7:00pm, Mosaic
-Around the world people are abused, misued, and exploited to work on a daily basis to serve the needs of corporate juggernauts, while the rest of the world has been mislead for years about what these corporations are getting away with. Come find out why this happens and what we can do to stop this global exploitation of people. Free Food!
The Three Poisons: Oil, Coal, and Nuclear Power w/ David Freeman- 12:00pm - 1:15pm, BBC 320
- Listen to former California "State Energy Czar" talk about oil, coal, and nuclear power AND the renewable energy alternative
Friday, November 19th
Fall 2010 Mudpie Recess- Every Monday and Friday, 10:30am-1pm; Starting at Statues Garden by Clark Hall, then break out to Event Center, Greenhouse and Washington Square Hall's Sustainable Agriculture Garden.
-Begin and end your week with some edible gardening fun! No experience is required. Come join us and play with plants and develop cooking skills! This campus garden collective is open to the community, and all fresh, healthy harvest goes to our volunteers! We appreciate any youth groups to come visit as well! See Map: Dates: 11/15, 11/19, 11/22, 11/26, 11/29, 12/3, 12/6, 12/10

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