GREAT Sessions

All Students are eligible to attend!!

GREAT Sessions for September 2010

Date Time Event

9/2 5- 7 pm Word! Poetry Series ~Student Union Food Court

9/2 10 am -2 pm Student Health Center Open House ~ Student Health Center

9/3 12- 1 pm Time Management 101 ~ Clark 118

9/7 12- 1 pm Alcohol 101! ~Health Building 208

9/8 1:30-2:30 pm Notes 101: Cn U Rd Ths? ~ Clark 118

9/9 12- 2 pm Privilege - follow-up from Tim Wise visit ~(MLK 225/229)

9/9 5- 7 pm Napoleon Complex: Do You Measure Up?

9/14 12- 1 pm No Diet Day ~ Mindful Eating ~Health Building 208

9/14 12- 1 pm The Advantages of Professionalism ~ Clark 118

9/15 1:30-2:30 pm All You Ever Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask About College Clark ~118

9/16 12- 1 pm Living a Healthier Life: ~Health Building 208

9/16 5- 7 pm A look at Racial Barriers in Sports History ~Mosaic Cross Cultural Center

9/21 12- 1 pm Nutrition 101~Health Building 208

9/22 3:00 pm - 5 pm Raising GPAs ~ Clark 118

9/23 3 - 4 pm Make Learning Styles Work for You ~ Clark 118

9/23 5 - 7 pm Violence Prevention in OUR community ~ Mosaic Cross Cultural Center

9/28 12 - 1 pm Suicide Prevention ~Health Building 208

9/28 1:30 - 2:30 pm Overcoming Stress ~ Clark 118

9/27 3 - 4 pm Money Management for students ~ Clark 118

9/29 3 - 4 pm Eat Fit ~ Sports Club Aerobics Room

9/30 1:30 - 2:30 pm Stop Emotional Eating And Start Coping Effectively ~ Clark 118

9/30 12 - 2 pm Veterans (Student Union - Pacifica)

9/30 5 - 7 pm Don’t Label Me~ Mosaic Cross Cultural Center

GREAT Sessions for October 2010
Date Time Event

10/1 1:30 - 2:30 pm Study Groups- The 411~ Clark 118

10/4 3:00 - 4:00 pm Considering Graduate School? ~ Clark 118

10/5 12 - 1 pm Fat Talk Free Week~100% Fad Diet-free ~ Health Building 208

10/6 12 - 1 pm Help Me! I have Test Anxiety ~ Clark 118

10/7 12 - 1 pm Painfully Perfect: Perfectionism At Its Finest ~ Clark 118

10/12 3:00 - 4:00 pm Finding Your Strengths ~ Clark 118 ~ Clark 118

10/13 1:30 - 2:30 pm Let’s Talk About Sex: Real Talk, Real Action

10/14 5 - 7 pm Wannabe~ Mosaic Cross Cultural Center

10/14 12 - 1 pm The Facts About Breast Cancer ~ Health Building 208

10/15 11:30 - 12:30 pm Power Planner: Become Highly Productive And Efficient ~ Clark 118

10/18 1:30 - 2:30 pm Gut Reaction ~ Clark 118

10/18 5 - 7 pm Congo Awareness Week: Breaking the Silence~ Mosaic Cross Cultural Center

10/19 5 - 7 pm Congo Awareness Week: Breaking the Silence ~ Mosaic Cross Cultural Center

10/19 12 - 1 pm Intimate Partner Violence ~ Health Building 208

10/20 12 - 1 pm Overcoming Stress ~ Clark 118

10/21 12- 1 pm Love Your Body ~ Health Building 208

10/21 5- 7 pm Congo Awareness Week: Breaking the Silence~ Mosaic Cross Cultural Center

10/21 12 - 2 pm TBD by Dr. Shawn Spano’s Comm 141 Class (Student Union - Pacifica)

10/25 12- 1 pm The Tao of Procrastination ~ Clark 118

10/26 12- 1 pm Stressin’ Out ~ Health Building 208

10/26 12- 1 pm The ABC’s of Self-Esteem

10/28 5- 8 pm Have You Forgotten the things you said you’ll remember? ~ Mosaic Center

10/29 12- 1 pm Money Management for students ~ Clark 118

GREAT Sessions for November 2010
Date Time

11/3 12- 1 pm Increasing Motivation: Just Do It ~ Clark 118

11/4 12- 1 pm Global Fluency- Do You Have It? ~ Clark 118

11/4 12- 1 pm Healthy Eats at SJSU ~ Health Building 208

11/5 12- 1 pm Planning Your College Career ~ Clark 118

11/8 3:00-4:00 pm The Cool Factor: “Cool” person that deals with challenging situations ~ Clark 118

11/9 1:30-2:30 pm A Fish is the Last to know It’s in the Water ~ Clark 118

11/9 12- 1 pm Breathing Healthier ~ Health Building 208 ~ Clark 118

11/10 3:00-4:00 pm Juggling Roles: School, Job, Family, Friends

11/10 5- 7 pm I Am a Muslim Woman: My Faith, Choice, Life, Right~ Mosaic Center

11/12 12- 1 pm Body Image 101~ Health Building 208

11/16 12- 1 pm Getting a Better Night’s Sleep ~ Health Building 208

11/18 12- 1 pm Concentration Café ~ Clark 118

11/18 12 - 2 pm Transgender Awareness (Student Union - Ohlone)

11/18 5- 7 pm The Business of People: Human Exploration ~ Mosaic Cross Cultural Center

11/19 11:30-12:30 pm Don’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover ~ Clark 118

11/23 3:00-4:30 pm Party With A Plan ~ Clark 118

11/29 12- 1 pm The Tao of Procrastination ~ Clark 118

11/30 12- 1 pm The ABC’s of STIs ~ Health Building 208

11/30 1:30-2:30 pm Repaying Those Loans ~ Clark 118

GREAT Sessions for December 2010
Date Time Event

12/18 5- 7 pm Why us America? Understanding the Immigration Debate ~ Mosaic Center

12/1 5 pm World AIDS Day, screening the film "RENT" ~ MOSAIC Cross Cultural Center

12/1 3:00-4:00 pm Test Taking Teddy Plays To Win ~ Clark 118

12/2 3:00-4:00 pm Help Me! I have Test Anxiety ~ Clark 118

12/2 5- 7 pm Poetry Series, Theme "HIV, global issues, sexuality, gender violence" Mosaic

12/3 1:30-2:30 pm Overcoming Stress ~ Clark 118


If your college department is offering workshops feel free to attend, just fill out the independent verification form.

Your chapter can host a workshop (find details in the Greek Management Manual)

For any of the workshops listed you must turn in an independent verification form.