Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Hooray! Finals are officially over!! We at SOAL wish you and your family a wonderful, happy, safe, relaxing holiday!

And keep your eyes open in January, we'll be back Spring Semester with a revamped blog site!


Monday, December 6, 2010

Family Supportive Housing Needs Your Help with Their Toy and Gift Drive!

Attention San Jose State University!

Family Supportive Housing has reached out to the SJSU student organization community to help them gather toys and gifts for this holiday season! Their Christmas Shoppe is a room set up like a store where parents can “shop” for their children’s presents and the children can shop for their parent’s presents to give to each other on Christmas.

They need NEW clothing and accessories for children birth to 17 (i.e. coats, pajamas, socks, shoes, slippers, hats, scarves), toys and games (i.e. Fisher Price toys, Nerf Sports equipment, Barbies, art kits, and coloring books), clothing and accessories for adult men and women - including store gift cards, family needs (i.e. gas cards, child bus passes, prepaid phone cards, and movie passes), personal items (i.e. shampoo, soap, body lotion, bath sets, and hair dryers), first aid supplies, and Christmas wrapping materials!

The LAST DAY to donate gifts for the shelter to make it in time for Christmas is DECEMBER 13th! Either bring your item to the Student Involvement office in Clark Hall 140 OR drop it off directly at the Family Supportive Housing located at 1590 Las Plumas Ave I San Jose, CA 95133.

You can also volunteer to work at the Christmas Shoppe! There are opportunities to help families shop and wrap gifts or even decorate cookies and sing Christmas carols with the children! This will be a wonderful event

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving!!

As we grow older, we start forgetting bits and pieces of our childhood until one day we wake up and discover that we can only recall a handful vivid memories of those elementary school days. Above you see a drawing that I made when I was in first grade. And as you may guess, this turkey is one of my vivid memories. As I was packing up and empyting out my cubby for the weekend I remember feeling this over-dramatice sense of pride and excitment. I couldn't wait to take this home and show my mom what I drew; which of course was the best Turkey a first grader had ever drawn in the history of Thanksgiving. You may be shocked to find out that when I thrust this into my Mom's hands, rather than showering me with praise, she actually started laughing. I didn't understand what was going on. Was my mom really laughing at my masterpiece? It quickly got worse. My dad walked in and as soon as he saw it he started cracking up as well. Within a few seconds the tears started flowing out. After about 5 minutes everyone in my six person family was making fun of my turkey and there I was not understanding why my family had turned into a bunch of bullies. My brother was the first one to notice my distress and was kind enough, admist the giggles, to ask me, "So exactly how many legs does a turkey have?" I knew that answer, "Four! ... wait... um... hmm... two?" Not only had I drawn a partial chicken head on my turkey but I also gave this bird of prey two extra limbs! Now this story is why, for every Thanksgiving since the first grade, my father makes two extra turkey legs while everyone gets a good laugh at the little girl who didn't quite know her animals.

Now, what does this story have to with the SOAL blog you may ask? Well it doesn't have any real connection with it but it did make me think about how lucky I am to have that story, that meal, that family, and that home to look forward to every year on Thanksgiving. There are so many people out there - literally outside of the classrooms at school and outside of your home, that are not fortunate enough to have a place to live, food to eat, and a family to love. This Thanksgiving and upcoming holiday season I encourage you to help someone in need of care and compassion. I have compiled a list of some of the community service organizations that exist throughout San Jose. Many of them need help and if you could offer a few hours time, a check, canned food, a coat, or anything then you will be a part of making a stranger's holiday season (and remember, over 25% of the homeless in Santa Clara County are children) a happy and vivid memory that will last a lifetime.

Loaves and Fishes

"Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen is committed to providing nutritious meals and support services in a dignified, safe and caring environment for our guests. We provide these services to all needy individuals, with special concern for families and senior citizens.

Loaves and Fishes supply the following services:
•No cost hot meals on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at InnVisions Montgomery Street Inn in San Jose, CA and Wednesdays and Fridays at St. Maria Goretti Kitchen in San Jose targeting families, seniors, single women, couples, and the disabled.
•Community Services to better serve the needs of our guests and to provide extensive information and referral services. We provide emergency outreach assistance, infant care supplies, and information and referrals for additional services.
•Extensive Holiday Programs including Senior Brunch, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas when we offer pictures with Santa Claus and "shopping days" for parents to take gifts home for their children.
•Grocery Bags are distributed to families on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 11:00am - 12pm at the St. Maria Goretti site."


"InnVision the Way Home is Silicon Valley’s largest non-profit provider of housing, shelter, and services to the homeless, operating at over 20 sites from San Jose to Redwood City, serving 20,000 clients annually throughout the South Bay and mid-Peninsula, providing both emergency and longer-term housing, nutritious meals, and a vast array of services to men, women, children, veterans, and the mentally ill in an environment that is safe, friendly, and uplifting. Direct basic services include housing, food, clothing, showers, laundry facilities, health care, telephone and mail, computer access, case management, life-skills classes, job training, and children’s services. Extended services include household furnishings, free produce market, grocery distribution, and rental & utilities assistance programs."

San Jose Family Supportive Housing, Inc.

"The primary service we provide families is a private room and three meals a day. Working in conjunction with outside businesses, organizations, and individuals, we provide many other important services in addition to food and shelter. Services for children include: tutoring, child care, scool readiness program, after school activity program, activities and celebrations, and health care professionals. Services for adults include: intensive case management, on-staff employment and housing specialist, personal enrichment classes, computer classes, housing referrals and assistance, support groups, and aftercare."
Sacred Heart

“Our mission is to build a community free from poverty by creating hope, opportunity, and action.” We provide essential services, empower people to improve their lives, advocate for justice, and inspire volunteers to love, serve, and share.

"We serve all customers in need of food, clothing, housing, and energy assistance, offering stability and hope as part of a first step toward economic self-sufficiency. Our goal is for low-income individuals and families in Santa Clara County to meet basic needs and sustain their health and well-being. Equally important, we strive to increase hope and stability for individuals and families struggling with poverty through the respectful and compassionate delivery of essential services."

Below is a list of numerous other shelters in San Jose. I encourage you to take a look and give back to society this holiday season!

99 N. Almaden Blvd, San Jose, CA 95113
(408) 998-9202

Men/Women Asian Women's Home
240 Moorpark Ave. Ste. 300, San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 975-2739

Domestic Violence Beth-El Baptist Church Outreach
San Jose, CA
(408) 779-2300

Families City Team Ministry Rescue Mission
1174 Old Bayshore Hwy, San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 283-2153

Men / Women EHC LifeBuilders James Boccardo Reception Center (BRC)
Nightly Shelter
2011 Little Orchard Street, San Jose, CA 95125
(408) 294-2100 x 402 (Intake Coordinator)

EHC LifeBuilders Markham Terrace Permanent
2112 Monterey Road, San Jose, CA
(408) 294-2100 Ext. 229 (Application)

EHC Lifebuilders Boccardo Family Living Center
13545 Monterey Road, San Jose, CA
(408) 686-1300

InnVision: Cecil White Center
358 N. Montgomery St., San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 271-5160

Men / Women InnVision: Georgia Travis Center
297 Commercial St, San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 453-3124

Men / Women Markham Plaza
2000 Monterey Rd., San Jose, CA
(408) 278-7081

Families Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence
San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 279-7550

Sacred Heart Community Services
803 S. 1st St., San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 278-2160

Men / Women Salvation Army
405 N. 4th St., San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 282-1175

Men / Women San Jose Family Shelter
1590 Las Plumas Ave., San Jose, CA 95133
(408) 926-8885

Families St. Joseph the Worker House for Women
80 S. Market St., San Jose, CA 95113
(408) 283-8118

(408) 998-9202
99 N. Almaden Blvd. San Jose, CA 95113

Asian Women's Home
(408) 975-2739
San Jose, CA 95128
Domestic Violence

Beth-El Baptist Church Outreach
(408) 779-2300
810 Tennant Avenue San Jose, CA

Casa de Clara
(408) 297-8330
318 N. 6th St. San Jose, CA 95112

City Team Ministry Rescue Mission
(408) 283-2153
1174 Old Bayshore Hwy. San Jose, CA 95112
Men / Women

EHC LifeBuilders James Boccardo Reception Center (BRC)
Nightly Shelter 95125
2011 Little Orchard Stree San Jose, CA
(408) 294-2100 x 402 (Intake Coordinator)

InnVision: Georgia Travis Center
(408) 453-3124
297 Commercial St San Jose, CA 95112
Men / Women

Markham Plaza
(408) 278-7081
2000 Monterey Rd. San Jose, CA

Salvation Army
(408) 282-1175
405 N. 4th St. San Jose, CA 95112
Men / Women

San Jose Family Shelter
(408) 926-8885
1590 Las Plumas Ave. San Jose, CA 95133


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The White Ribbon Campaign 2010

"From this day forward, I promise never to commit, condone, or remain silent about violence against women, sexual violence, and dating/intimate partner violence"
The White Ribbon Campaign is rallying all male-identified students of SJSU to come and sign the pledge to be aware and be a part of the solution.
Pick up your ribbon and sign the pledge at the Campaign table (Student Union) or the Office of Student Conduct & Ethical Development (at any time).
97% of acts of violence are committed by men.
97% of men are not assailants.
A minority are responsible for the problem.
A majority can stop it.

NOVEMBER 15 - 19
Sponsored by SJSU's Student Conduct and Ethical Development and Men Creating Change

Monday, November 15, 2010

This past Thursday- Salsa Club's Salsa in the Village and Poverty Under the Stars

This past Thursday was filled with excitement at SJSU! The Salsa Club burned up the makeshift dance floor in the Campus Village quad! Members of the club taught a free Salsa lesson then there was an hour of free dancing to sizzling salsa, cha-cha, and bachata music. At 9:00pm the SJSU Salsa Club team performed followed by numerous individual/pair performances. The SJSU community wishes all of the dancers luck at the upcoming San Francisco Salsa Congress!

At the other end of campus, more than 50 students camped out on the grass in front of the Tommie Smith and John Carlos statue. This year's 5th annual Poverty Under the Stars event focused on the great recession and the current economic status for many Americans: jobless and homeless. "The event featured vaious speakers, a video about real-life instances of homelessness, entertianment, and the main event, which was simply camping outside and understanding what it's like to be without the comfort of a warm home" (from Jordan Liffengren's Spartan Daily story, read the whole article at SJSU hosts fifth annual 'Poverty Under the Stars' to bring to light issues caused by the Great Recession).

Events Happening this Week! UPDATED

Blue = Student Organization Event
Green = San Jose City Event
Purple = SJSU Event
Pink = GREAT Session

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Grand Opening of Spartan Smart Cart- 10:00am-1:30pm, Smith/Carlos lawn
-Come to the grand opening of the Spartan Smart Card for Fall 2010! Free give-aways and prizes! Lots of delicious fresh local and organic fruit and veggies and healthy beverages!
Finding a Job in a Tough Economy Workshop- 12:00pm-1:15pm, Mod A
-Develop practical job search strategies to be successful in a down economy
An Evening with Maggie Estep- 7:00pm-8:30pm, University Theater
-The Center for Literary Arts and MACLA Present: An Evening with Maggie Estep. Poet, fiction writer, and spoken-word artist. Author of seven books including Diary of an Emotional Idiot and Alice Fantastic, and the CDs No More Mr. Nice Girl and Love Is a Dog from Hell. She has performed on MTV, HBO's Def Poetry Jam, and Charlie Rose, and her work has appeared in The Best American Erotica, The Village Voice, Harpers Bazaar, and Time Out NY. Co-sponsored by the Poets and Writers Coalition.
Wednesday, November 17th
Poker Walk- 11:00am-1:00pm, starts in front of Event Center

-Get ready to walk around campus and try your luck at poker. Collect your first card at the sign-in table and 4 other points during the walk. Turn in your cards at the finish line and the best hands will win prizes. Sign-in is at the fountain in front of the Events Center. Walkers can start any time between 11:00 and 12:30. It will take approximately 30 minutes to walk around campus.

New Student Union Groundbreaking Ceremony- 12:00pm-1:30pm, 7th Street Plaza

-The Student Union, Inc. is pleased to invite the campus community to a Groundbreaking Ceremony for the New Student Union on Wednesday, November 17, 2010. The ceremony will start at 12:00noon on the 7th Street Plaza. This is a free event and will have entertainment, refreshments and give-aways! Please come celebrate with us as we begin a new legacy for the Student Union.

SJSU Theater Presents "Twelfth Night"- 7:00pm, University Theater

-Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare Directed by Kathleen Normington, November 12,13,17,18,19,20 at 7p.m. University Theatre. Visit for more information

Men's Basketball vs. University of San Francisco- 7:00pm, Event Center

Black Mosque Honor Society Canned Food Drive- 10:00am-2:00pm, Student Union

-Bring non-perishable canned food to benefit Second Harvest Food Bank!Discovering Your Career Path Using LinkedIn- 11:00am AND 12:45pm, Ohlone Room, SU

Google @ SJSU- All majors Welcome! - 3:30pm-6:00pm, BBC 201

- Interested in learning about Google products and winning some cool Google swag? Drop by any time between 3:30-6:00pm! Sponsored by MISA

Intuit: Launch Your Career- 4:00pm-6:00pm, Intuit World Headquarters

-Sponsored by LBSA; learn about FDRP: financial rotational development program, RDP: rotational development program, and other internship activities. Contact for more info.

Thursday, November 18th
LGBTQQIA Discussion Group: Queer Culture- 1:30pm-2:45pm, Building BB
-A safe and supportive place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans., queer, questioning, intersex, and ally students to connect with other members of the community and discuss a wide variety of topics.
Business of People: Human Exploitation- 5:00pm-7:00pm, Mosaic
-Around the world people are abused, misued, and exploited to work on a daily basis to serve the needs of corporate juggernauts, while the rest of the world has been mislead for years about what these corporations are getting away with. Come find out why this happens and what we can do to stop this global exploitation of people. Free Food!
The Three Poisons: Oil, Coal, and Nuclear Power w/ David Freeman- 12:00pm - 1:15pm, BBC 320
- Listen to former California "State Energy Czar" talk about oil, coal, and nuclear power AND the renewable energy alternative
Friday, November 19th
Fall 2010 Mudpie Recess- Every Monday and Friday, 10:30am-1pm; Starting at Statues Garden by Clark Hall, then break out to Event Center, Greenhouse and Washington Square Hall's Sustainable Agriculture Garden.
-Begin and end your week with some edible gardening fun! No experience is required. Come join us and play with plants and develop cooking skills! This campus garden collective is open to the community, and all fresh, healthy harvest goes to our volunteers! We appreciate any youth groups to come visit as well! See Map: Dates: 11/15, 11/19, 11/22, 11/26, 11/29, 12/3, 12/6, 12/10

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nuts & Bolts Workshop Coming NEXT WEDNESDAY!

Learn how to balance Leadership and Academics! This workshop will be on Wednesday, November 17th, from 5:00 - 6:00pm in Clark Hall 140! RSVP by 11/16 to Diana Rubio at

Monday, November 8, 2010

Events This Week! Nov. 8th - 14th UPDATED

Blue = Student Organization Event
Green = San Jose City Event
Purple = SJSU Event
Pink = GREAT Session

TODAY, Monday, November 8th
A.S. Presents Cultural Showcase- 7:00pm - 9:00pm, Barrett Ballroom
- Enjoy dance, music, food and more!
Disability Sport Expo, 4pm - 7pm, SPX 44B
- Raffles! Silent Auctions! Free Food! Free Admission! Come support the Kineosology Department!

Wednesday, November 10th
Salsa Club: Salsa in the Village- 6:00pm - 9:00pm, Campus Village Quad
-The event will begin with free salsa lessons, and we’ll also have music playing all night, so you can show off all those salsa moves you’ve been working on this semester! There will also be a stage at the event, and we’ll be featuring a number of salsa performances, including the debut of the SJSU Salsa Performance Team!
IEEE Poker Night- 7:00pm, Engr 376
- For all students and faculty members! $5.00 buy in, $5.00 re-buyin, top 3 will make money, snacks for sale.

Poverty Under the Stars- 7:00pm - 9:00AM, Sculpture Garden on SJSU campus
-Come out to be in the solidarity with the 44 million Americans in poverty and over one m illion homeless and learn how Circle Works can solve our economic crisis, Sign up by November 8th!AKP MOGO BBQ Truck Fundraiser- 12:00pm - 2:00pm, Outside of Roberts Bookstore 330 S. 10th Street
- Delicious Mexican/Korean Fusion Cuisine - featured in SF Weekly! Support Alpha Kappa Psi!
So You Think You Can Dance Tour- 7:00pm, HP Pavilion
- The seventh season tour featuring some of the best dance crews. 7:30 pm. HP Pavilion, 525 W. Santa Clara St. $37.50-$55,

I am a Muslim Woman: My Faith, My Choice, My Life, My Right- 5:00pm - 7:00pm, Mosaic Cross Cultural Center, SU

- A workshop focused on the perception and reality of being a Muslim woman

Thursday, November 11th
Veterans' Day Parade- 11:00am, Plaza de Cesar Chavez
-The largest Veterans’ Day Parade in Northern California. The parade is organized to honor all the brave men and women who served or are currently serving our country. Opening ceremony: 11 a.m. at Plaza de Cesar Chavez. Parade: Noon. The parade starts at Delmas Street and travels east along Santa Clara Street to Market Street and ends at San Carlos Street.

Friday, November 12th
APO Super Smash Bros Brawl Tourament- 1:00pm - 4:00pm, SU Ohlone Room
- singles tournament (Fly Solo) and doubles tournament (Partner Play); $5 per participant, registration ends Wednesday Nov. 10th! email to register. Let's Brawl!

Twelfth Night Opening Night- 7:00pm - 9:00pm, University Theater
-This uproarious Shakespearean comedy of disguise, thwarted desire, and lunatic misadventures is given the "steam punk" treatment in a "killer" interpretation of this classic play. Tickets $10 students/faculty/senior, $20 general admission. November 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20 at 7pm in the University Theatre. Tickets available at and at the door.

Saturday, November 13th
Indian Student Organization ROSHINI- 5:30pm, Morris Daily Auditorium
- Music, dance, games, food, and more! Entry Pass $7.

Santa Cruz Hiking- meet at Event Center

- We will travel to Aptos near Santa Cruz to hike through the redwoods. Hike will be 8-10 miles and novices are welcome. Participants need to bring water, sunscreen, and a pac klunch. Please call (408)924-6218 for more information/to register

Hunger Banquet- First Unitarian Church, 160 N. Third St., San Jose

- Experience, Feel, Change; For the modest contribution of $25 for adults or $10 for students and those with a low income, guests will be randomly assigned to dine like the top 1 percent of the world, to eat like 80 percent of the world or to nosh somewhere in between. Proceeds go to Human Agenda, Second Harvest Food Bank, Center for Employment Training, and Oxfam America.

The San Jose Museum of Art presents “DIY Art: Digital Photography”– A day-long workshop on how to adjust your digital camera regardless of make and model to achieve more exacting and creative effects. Bring your camera and learn to see beyond “point-and-shoot.” 10 am-4 pm. 110 S. Market St. $100, 271-6840 or

Sunday, November 14th
Holiday Gift Fair: The Joy of Dancing- 11:00am - 2:30pm, 1030 Piedmont Rd., San Jose
- Purchase your holiday gifts from our vendors who are giving a portion of the proceeds to the Dynamic Dance Team. Vendors include: Avon, Creative Memories, Cookie Lee Jewelry, Palpered Chef, Jockey Persion to Person, Willow House, Partylite Cangles, and more!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Events Happening This Weekend!

Blue = Student Organization Event
Green = San Jose City Event
Purple = SJSU Event
Pink = GREAT Session

Thursday, November 4th
MOSAIC WORD! Poetry Series, 5pm - 7pm, Student Union Food Court, in front of coffee station
-An open mic night for students to come and showcase their talents - spoken word, poetry, song, monologues, instruments, etc. All members of the community are welcome to perform and come out to support.
Salsa and Salsa Party, 9pm - late, Campus Crusade House, 33 South St.
- It's that time of year again! Chips and Salsa, Salsa Dancinc, Bachata, and Merengue! Come hangout and shake what your momma gave you!

Friday, November 5th
South First Fridays Gallery Crawl, 8pm - late, Along South First St.
- Come by the SoFA District this Friday evening, where the heart of creativity and art is located. Meet people and appreciate art in an inviting environment. Galleries along South First Street from San Carlos to Reed Street and on Market Street open their doors late with exhibit receptions, readings, performances, live music and more. 8 pm-late. It’s all free and one of the best events in downtown San Jose. South First Street between San Carlos and Reed streets, and various locations.
Planning Your College Career, 12pm - 1pm, Clark Hall 118
-Now is the time to start thinking about your next semester classes. For that matter, do you have a plan for every semester here? Be daring and plan it all out! See what classes are going to be the most beneficial and how to get more information when you really need it.
Tire Testing and Modeling for Vehicle Dynamics, 11am - 3pm, Engineering Building
- There will be a one hour session at 11 am at the shop where he will go over the design of our vehicles. Food will be provided. His lecture "Tire Testing and Modeling for Vehicle Dyanmics" will take place from 12pm - 2pm. After the presentation will either be further discussions in the shop or a tour of our department This lecture will focus on tire performance as it relates to vehicle dynamics. It will include: a brief overview of tire construction, a discussion of laboratory tire testing, a discussion of tire model development from measured data, and the application of tire models to vehicle analysis, design and simulation.
Club Sports November Council Meeting, 12pm - 1pm, Sports Club
- 1 Officer from each Club Sports Team needs to attend
Ladies of Jazz: All Female Jazz Singer/Songwriters Concert, 8pm, Theater On San Pedro Square
– Four Bay Area ladies will perform their own original material from comical swing to beautiful, touching ballads with a jazz trio backing them up. 8 pm. Theater On San Pedro Square, 29 N. San Pedro St. $5-$15, 283-0200 or

Saturday, November 6th
Men's Basketball vs. Whitman College, 3pm - 5pm, Event Center
Women's Basketball vs. Dominican University, 5:30pm - 7:30pm, Event Center
Men's Soccer vs. Sacramento State, 7:00pm, Spartan Stadium
Los Tucanes, La Original Banda El Limon, El Komander, Fidel Rueda, Voz de Mando and Los Novillos, 7pm, San Jose Convention Center
– Marquez Brothers Entertainment presents a public dance expected to draw thousands of attendees. 7 pm. Convention Center, 150 W. San Carlos St. $44.50,
Sharks Host Tampa Bay Lightning, 7:30pm, HP Pavilion
- Support the Sharks! HP Pavilion, 525 W. Santa Clara St. $23-$192, or

Sunday, November 7th
Opera SJ Celebrates National Opera Week, 12pm, MLK Library Room 225/229
– The public is invited to attend free Opera San Jose performances. Noon. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, 150 E. San Fernando St. Room 225/229.

Monday, November 8th
Disability Sport Expo, 4pm - 7pm, SPX 44B
- Raffles! Silent Auctions! Free Food! Free Admission! Come support the Kineosology Department!
The Cool Factor, 3pm-4pm, Clark Hall 118
- Now is the time to start thinking about your next semester classes. For that matter, do you have a plan for every semester here? Be daring and plan it all out! See what classes are going to be the most beneficial and how to get more information when you really need it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Gateway Workshop of the Global Leadership Advancement Center

Coming up this weekend: the Gateway Workshop of the Global Leadership Advancement Program!

The Gateway Workshop is your ticket to the Global Leadership Passport Progam. This two-day hands-on workshop prepares you for global work by focusing on:
  • Understanding Global Leadership
  • Intercultural Effectiveness
  • Influencing Global Stakeholders
  • Leading Multicultural Teams
  • Communication Across Cultures
  • Creating Passport Roadmap

Taught by Dr. Joyce Osland

Lucas Endowed Professor of Global Leadership and Executive Director of the Global Leadership Advancement Center, facilitated by the associates of the Global Leadership Laboratory

The Global Leadership Passport Program is a unique opportunity to develop leadership competencies by taking advantage of SJSU's global and cross-cultural courses and activities. Students earn required passport stamps for approved courses, programs, experiences, projects, and e-portfolio reflections. The culminating activity is a social innovation or global leadership project.
Once students earn the requisite number of stamps for each competency, they are issued a GLAC Passport describing the program's requirements and benefits to prospective employers.
Students can enter the program through either the COB's Global Leadership courses (BUS 165A and BUS 297D) or through a Gateway Workshop.
Open to ALL SJSU students
Date: November 6 - 7, 2010
Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Location: BBC 032
Contact: Stacy Wheeler, or (408) 924-3582
Fee: $85 (register and pay by Wednesday, November 3rd)
2. Make payment to BT 950 (cash or check, payable to "GLAC")
Registration Fee provides:
  • Intercultural effectiveness assessment tool and analysis
  • Two international lunches
  • Skill-based executive-style training
  • Entry into Global Leadership Passport Program
  • A way to distinguish yourself in the job market

Mosaic is Hiring!


POSITION: Diversity Advocate Intern

APPOINTMENT: Sping 2011 (January 18, 2011-May 17, 2011)

– Reappointment will depend on performance.

HOURS & PAY: 15 hours per week at $10.00/hour

PROGRAM PURPOSE: The Diversity Advocate Internship (DAI) positions were created to assist with MOSAIC’s programming, recruitment, and outreaching efforts. The Diversity Advocate Interns play an integral role in the development and operation of MOSAIC. Each DAI is also a peer educator who is responsible for facilitating workshops and creating passive programming on a variety of topics focused on diversity, equity, and social justice issues. Students will be chosen based on their proven understanding of diversity and social justice, leadership experience, effectiveness in advocating for underrepresented populations, and potential to contribute to the mission and goals of MOSAIC.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Contact if you have any questions or go to the Mosaic Cross Cultural Center on the top floor of the Student Union.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dirty Brushes Hold Portrait Drawing Session on Campus!

Check out Spartan Daily's article on the Dirty Brushes!

Did you get your portrait drawn on Tuesday?? "SJSU art students drew pictures of their peers on Thursday, Oct. 21 in the Art Department patio, between the Art Building and the Student Union. 'We are doing a portrait drawing session of the public,' said Erin Salazar, a senior pictorial art major."

I didn't get my portrait done this time, hopefully the Dirty Brushes will be out again! We have the best student organizations at SJSU!

Junior pictorial arts major Mary Gustafson sketches a portrait for a student outside the art building Wednesday afternoon. Photo by Jack Barnwell

Monday, October 25, 2010

Events Happening This Week! 10/25 - 10/31

Blue = Student Organization Event
Green = San Jose City Event
Purple = SJSU Event
Pink = GREAT Session

Tuesday, October 26
Grand Opening of the SJSU Smart Cart! 10:00am - 1:30 pm, Smith/Carlos Lawn
- Come to the grand opening of the Spartan Smart Cart for Fall 2010. Free give-aways and prizes! Lots of delicious fresh local and organic fruit and veggies. Check out our new selection of healthful beverages!
GREAT Session, Stressin' Out - 12:00pm - 1:00pm, Health Building 208
-Learn some tips on how to de-stress your life!
GREAT Session, The ABCs of Self Esteem - 12:00pm - 1:00pm, Clark Hall 118
-Want to improve your self-esteem? This workshop is for people who want to improve or solidify their self-esteem. You will learn what self-esteem is, what self-esteem do for people, and an action plan for improving your self-esteem.
Rain, a tribute to the Beetles - 10/26 - 10/31, SJ Center for the Performing Arts
-“The next best thing to seeing The Beatles,” raves the Denver Post. All the music and vocals are performed totally live! RAIN covers the Fab Four from the earliest beginnings through the psychedelic late 60s and their long-haired hippie, hard-rocking rooftop days. Title: Rain - A Tribute to the Beatles Date: 10/26 - 10/31 Address: 255 Almaden Boulevard Start Time: Tues-Thurs: 7:30pm Fri: 8pm Sat: 2pm & 8pm Sun: 1pm & 6pm Ticket: $20-$88

Wednesday, October 27
PRSSA Visits NBC Bay Area Studio
- 5:00pm, KNTV NBC 11 Station
-Members will have the option of coming at 5 p.m. to watch the newscast live or coming at 5:30 p.m. for the actual meeting, where they will speak with an anchor, eat dinner and speak to Lance Lew (Head of Community Relations). (for paid members of PRSSA)

Thursday, October 28
GREAT Session, Have You Forgotten the Things You Said You'll Remember? - 5:00pm - 8:00pm, Mosaic Center
-Natural disasters are devastating and can create national unity as long as the media covers them, but what happens once that coverage stops? Come and partake in a facilitated workshop about the attitude, response, and behaviors following major natural disasters.

GREAT Session, Party with a Plan! - 1:30pm - 3:00pm, Clark Hall 118
- Whether you drink or not, optimize your good time and connection with yourself and your buddies. Find ways to stay healthy and balanced while engaging in social activities where drinking is involved. This is an interactive and fun 90-minute workshop
Careers in Government and Non-Profit - 3:00pm - 5:00pm, MLK 255/259
-Come to this interactive and fun panel to learn about government and non profit job opportunities
3rd Annual Spuler Media Ethics Symposium - 3:00 - 4:30pm, Eng 189
- A panel discussion with top Silicon Valley public relations practioners about social media and public relations ethics
Silicon Valley American Marketing Association at SJSU - 7:00pm, BBC
-The Marketing Assocation welcomes the Silicom Valley American Marketing Association to campus.
XBOX 360 presents Justin Bieber - 7:00pm, HP Pavilion
-See Justin Bieber's My World tour. Buy tickets ($40 - $66) at the event center ot
Fright Night 9 - 9:00pm, Club Rio, 610 Coleman Ave.
- Come out to the largest Halloween college costume party in San Jose! Enjoy the 2 rooms, 5 dance floors, and a huge oiutside patio. 18 to party, 21 to drink. Costume is required! Cash and prize for the best looking costume!

Friday, October 29
SHRM and MIS Halloween Party at Britannia Arms - 8:00 pm - midnight, 173 West Santa Clara
-The Society for Human Resource Management and Management Information Systems Association of SJSU has collaborated to host a wonderful and exciting HALLOWEEN PARTY and RAFFLE!!! It is a HALLOWEEN PARTY, so wear your costume! Dress to impress in the craziest and scariest way you can. We have organized prize drawings with the following prizes: Grand Prize (you dont have to be present to win): Acer Netbook; Door Prizes (must be present to win): 49er Tickets, Warrior Tickets, Shark Tickets & Parking Pass, External Hard Drive, Haircut at Michael Anthony Spa, and a Massage or Facial at Aruna Spa.
Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity Presents Inferno XXII - 9:30pm - 2:00am, Tha Pavilion, 344 Tully Road
- The Gammas would like to thank everyone who has supported and made Inferno the longest and largest halloween event in Northern Ca for 22 consecutive years/ 18 to party, 21 to drink. $15 presales $20 at the door. No costume, no entry. More info at

Lady Antebellum Need You Now Tour - 7:30pm, SJ Event Center
-Lady Antebellum comes to the Event Center on their Need You Now 2010 Tour with supporting act David Nail. Presented by Another Planet Entertainment. Doors open at 6:30 PM. Reserved Seating - $34.50 General Admission Floor - $34.50 GA Floor is Standing Room ONLY
Opera San Jose Presents "Hansel and Gretel" - 5:00-6:00pm, MLK Library
-FREE Public performance of a one-act touring opera based on the classic opera "Hansel and Gretel" at the Dr. Martin Luther King Library.

Winchester Mystery House Flashlight Tours - 6:30pm - 12:00am 10/29 - 10/31
-Are you afraid of the dark? Take a flashlight tour of the house that fear built! Tickets are $45 and include a private 65 minute tour of the house, a souvenir flashlight, a caricature drawing, and more. Come and dress up! Find more info at
Great America's Halloween Haunt
, 7:00pm - 12:00am, 1029 - 10/31
- "All you fear is here!"Visit Great America and emerse yourself into a Halloween extravaganza with scare zones throughout the park, 7 intense haunted mazes, plus the thrill rides we know and love! Show your student ID and get $25.00 ticket! (versus $39.99). Visit for more information!

Saturday, October 30
Akbayan Friendship Games - All day, CSU Fullerton
-PASA Friendship Games -- the largest student-run Filpino-American event in the nation -- is a highly anticipated event with over 6,000 individuals from over 30 colleges and universities across the nation that come together to play fun, friendly, and competitive picnic games. Friendship Games has become more than just picnic games, it is also a day of unforgettable entertainment from morning to night with roll-call and cheer performances, our star studded half-time show, and of course the famous Friendship Games after party hosted by 21XL Events Co.

Sunday, October 31

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Events Happening This Week!

Blue = Student Organization Event
Green = San Jose City Event
Purple = SJSU Event
Pink = GREAT Session

Thursday, October 21st
Coke-Tails with Coca Cola Team - 7:00pm - 8:00pm, Ohlone Room SU
- Join the Marketing Association in welcoming the Coca Cola team to SJSU. They will be talking about the over all Coca-Cola sales team and talk about INTERNSHIP possibilities!!!! Members will get the chance to head in a little earlier than the general public to have some one on one time with the team.
sjDANCEco in Concert "For Every Season"- 8:00pm, California Theater
- The premier of Jose Limon’s masterwork in collaboration with SJ Chamber Orquestra.  8 pm.  California Theatre, 345 S. First St.  $42.50 (discounted student tickets available).
Silicon Valley Leaders Symposium: Peter Nelson - 12:00pm - 1:00pm, ENG 189
- Listen to Peter Nelson, President and CEO of California Water Service Company talk about business and technology trends.
NHSMBA Chicago Conference and Career Expo - October 21-23, McCormick Conference Center
- Attended by members of the SJSU Latino Business Association. Find more information at
SJSU Ice Hockey vs. Colorado University - 8:15pm, Sharks Ice- Home Game vs. University of Colorado. Puck drops at 815pm. Part of the 4th Annual Mid-State Electric Best of the West Showcase.
GREAT Session: Love Your Body - 12:00pm - 1:00pm, Health Building 208
- Learn everything you wanted to know about anatomy of the reproductive system.
Assert Yourself! -12:00pm - 1:00pm, Clark Hall 118
- Do you have a hard time saying “no” or asking for help?  Is it difficult for you to express your feelings, thoughts, or beliefs openly and honestly?  Come to this workshop and learn skills to improve your assertiveness.
SJSU Symphonic Band Concert - 7:30pm - 9:30 pm, Music Concert Hall
- Concert featuring SJSU Symphonic Band. Conducted by Dr. Diana Hollinger.
GREAT Session Congo Awareness Week: Breaking the Silence - 5:00pm - 7:00pm, Mosaic Cross Cultural Center

Friday, October 22
Global Tuner Grand Prix at Mazda Raceway - October 22 - 24, Laguna Seca
- Formula SAE will make an appearance at Global Tuner Grand Prix, for more information visit
SJSU Ice Hockey vs. CSULB - 8:15pm - 10:30pm, North Rink, Sharks Ice
- Home Game vs. CSU Long Beach. Puck drops at 815pm. Part of the 4th Annual Mid-State Electric Best of the West Showcase.
SJSU Choral Concert Series, 7:30pm - 9:30pm, Campbell United Methodist Church
- SJSU Choral Concert series featuring SJSU Concert Choir and SJSU Chamber Singers. Led by Dr. Charlene Archibeque.
sjDANCEco in Concert "For Every Season"- 8:00pm, California Theater
- The premier of Jose Limon’s masterwork in collaboration with SJ Chamber Orquestra.  8 pm.  California Theatre, 345 S. First St.  $42.50 (discounted student tickets available).

Saturday, October 22nd
Delta Sigma Pi's Anti-Grafetti Community Service Event - 10:00am - 12:00pm, 1750 South White Road, San Jose, Ca 95125
- Help us clean up our city. Please bring gloves!
Rebuilding Together: Chi Epsilon - 8:00am - 4:00pm, San Jose
- Each October and April hundreds of volunteers come together to rebuild homes and communities through our Rebuilding Day projects.Sign up at this link: When it asks : "I prefer to work with the following group or person" indicate "Chi Epsilon"
SJSU Ice Hockey vs. East Washington - 7:00pm - 9:30pm, North Rink, Sharks Ice
- Home Game vs. East Washington Puck drops at 7:00pm. Part of the 4th Annual Mid-State Electric Best of the West Showcase.
Football vs. Fresno State Bulldogs - 5:00pm, Spartan Stadium
- Come out and support the Spartans as the play rival Fresno State

Sunday, October 23rd
I-House Pancake Breakfast - 9:30am - 1:00pm, I-House on 11th Street
- Pancake Breakfast (PCB) is an outreach event to welcome alumni and members of the community to the I-House. On the day of the event, residents dress in traditional clothing from around the world and volunteer to cook, serve, and perform for our guests. This semester, PCB will be held at the I-House on Sunday, October 24th with the theme “Go Green.”
Women's Soccer vs. Utah State - 1:00pm - 3:00pm, Spartan Stadium
- Come out and support our women's soccer team!
- 8:15pm - 10:30pm, North Rink, Sharks Ice

Make Sure to Check Out the GREAT Sessions Tab!

All SJSU Students have the opportunity to attend a variety of fun, interesting, inspiring, and life changing workshops throughout the semester! This includes workshops such as "Service Chair Training" which teaches you how your fraternity, sorority, or student organization can best serve the community through service or philanthropy while creating a learning experience for your members (October 19th and 22nd). For a complete list visit or click on the "GREAT Sessions" tab on this blog!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Coverage of the Student Organization Faire on Update News!

SJSU Student Organizations are the next hit tv stars!

Check out the story on the 2010 Fall Student Organization at SJSU Update News! The site will take you to the Update News archive. The Student Organization Faire story is labeled "September 10, 2010" (you may have to scroll down). Coverage on the Faire begins around 9 minutes into the show. Is your club featured?? Watch to find out!

Student Organization Leadership Conference 2010

The 8th Annual Student Organization Leadership Conference was a huge success! We had over 1,000 people present at the event (thanks to the integration of the fraternity/sorority New Member Experience)!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Events Happening 9/27 - 10/3

Events Happening This Week!

Blue = Student Organization Event
Green = San Jose City Event
Purple = SJSU Event

Monday, 9/27
Career Center Resume Blast - 1:00pm - 4:00pm, Administration Building 255
- "Bring a hard copy of your resume for one final review and practice your 1 minute commercial before the career fair"
College Night Chi Epsilon - 6:00pm - 8:00pm, Independence High School Gym
Carrie Underwood Concert - 7:30pm, HP Pavilion
- "With special guests Sons of Sylvia. Visit for tickets!"
SJSU Marketing Association Fundraiser at Smoke Eaters - 6:00pm - 10:00pm, Smoke Eaters on 29th South 3rd Street
- "Come help us raise monet for Making Strides Cancer Research! This event counts towards extra credit for participating Marketing professors. Also, a free years membership will be raffled off! Bring a flyer at time of purchase (available on the 7th floor of the Business Tower)"

Tuesday, 9/28
Marketing Association, Elevator Speech -- Is Yours Ready?" - 3:30 - 4:30pm, Ohlone Room in the Student Union
- "Our speaker, Doug Evans, is very knowledgeable and approachable. His tips and information have been very useful to countless Associates in the past. We will still be providing paid Associates with a pack of resume paper. We have also included a complete list of companies that will be present with Marketing (or related) jobs and internships--a very helpful tool for those with limited time at the fair. Other who make a donation to Making Strides during the event will also receive this small package (while supplies last)."

Wednesday, 9/29
Regional Ellumination Community Conference - 9:00am - 4:00pm, Sweeney Hall
- "Featuring Steve Hargadon, Founder of Classroom 2.0"
Fall '10 Job and Internship Faire - 12:00pm - 5:00pm, Event Center
- "Come to one of the best events on campus! Meet recruiters from numerous companies who are offering internships/ career jobs. It's a fantastic opportunity to network!"
Eat Fit - 3:00pm - 4:00pm, Event Center Sport Club
Chi Epsilon Salsa Night